Let’s talk about AIDS

An invitation to cooperate in the research to find a cure for HIV/AIDS thanks to the Fight AIDS Foundation.

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Since 2014, Eurofirms has been party to a collaboration agreement with the Fundación Lucha contra el Sida (FLS), Fight AIDS Foundation, through which we are committed to working together with them in their research projects, providing a yearly charitable donation.

#hablemosdelsida, Let’s talk about AIDS, is the current awareness raising campaign on HIV/AIDS which aims to win resources to fund the Fight AIDS Foundation research projects.

HIV/AIDS is currently invisible to many people. However it is far from being a problem that has been overcome and new cases of infection continue to appear on a daily basis due to a lack of prevention and awareness.

That is why we must give it the priority it deserves. Let’s talk about AIDS:

  • Because it’s a problem that affects us all.
  • Because it’s estimated that every year 2 million new cases of HIV infection are reported around the world.
  • Because youngsters today are not informed regarding this disease.
  • Because we must overcome our fears and be tested for HIV.
  • Because Spain is a world leader in HIV/AIDS research.
  • Because new cases of infections are reported every day in Spain (3,428 diagnosed cases in 2015, 9-10 cases per day).
  • Because it is estimated that 1 out of every 4 people who are infected with HIV do not know what is.

Will you get involved too? https://www.eurofirms.es/hablemosdelsida.html